Friday, January 7, 2011


In Kyle Rowinski's post, "how to improve the education system in America," he talks about how affirmative action is need help minorities in schools, as wellas in the workplace.  It seems as if the education system could be compared to modern everyday life in America.  Lately it seems as if everything in the American economy need to be improved, from jobs, to health care, and even insurance.

In Connor Rowinski's post about censorship in American society, he talks about how book censorship is a clear violation of the 1st amendment.  Imagine a world were everything is censored,  almost as if you had a plate in your head blocking your thoughts and ideas that differ from the norm.  That is almost what they are doing by banning books, they are going against our first amendment rights of free speech and blocking people's thoughts and ideas.

In Paul Buckner's post about returning artifacts he talks about how Museums and collections need to give back the so called stolen artifacts to the countries in which they were found.  If the Museums and collections don't return the pieces of history to there countries of origin it could start a major contreversy, or maybe even a war.  Its almost like someone taking something from you without your consent and then desplaying it infront of there friends. Now who would want to go though that?